Monday, March 16, 2009


Flat Feet - brochure 164 - Saint Anthony Art Project by Jerry Fecht (click on image to enlarge)
Distracted by the idea of high heels, the demon said to Saint Anthony, "I was going to save flat feet for Irish cops, but since it is so close to Good Friday, you can have them now."
Pressure Ulcers - brochure 170 - Saint Anthony Art Project by Jerry Fecht (click on image to enlarge) Not having feet like humans, demons are really into the foot fetish thing. Pressure ulcers were invented by the siren Lola during Lent.

Bunions - brochure 169- Saint Anthony Art Project by Jerry Fecht (click on image to enlarge) "Well, if you monks wore socks, the bunions wouldn't show as much," grinned the evil one.

Arthritis - brochure 165 - Saint Anthony Art Project by Jerry Fecht (click on image to enlarge) Saint Dog of Reno kept mostly to himself. He was the first hermit canine in lower Egypt.

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